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Home / Stories from the field

Recipe for eRiding

2004-03-03 16:01:12

Ones upon the time there was a great heroine, living in modern United States. Lets call her "E". She were riding from one place of the world to another and helping people. These people were by them selfs fighting for the better life. They wanted to show the others, that they have also right to live and the most importantly they have right to enjoy the life. They were oppressed by "big mashines" and they didnīt know that these mashines could help them to make their lives easier. The core of her idea was not to be affaid of technology, but benefit out of its features. Therefore one who wants to rise its voice could do it and very simply just need to know how.

As we know, "E" was from US, they were always one step ahead the rest of the world. Nevertheless, she felt with that pour people suffering, even they could not imgaine how, because they didnīt know how to use technology. So, ones she came to Europe and saw the ubiquitous dissatifaction, she decided to find people, to whom she can pass her knowledge. Because alone she would not win and any change could occure. It was giving her hard time, but luckily she successed. "E" felt that world can be smaller by using tricks in the communication. So, she found me and few others and she decided to train us to work with our people.

That was the begginig of a great process of recovering. We build up a team and because of "E" and her riding from one place to another, we started to call ourself "eRiders", to be inherited her spirit in our work. Eriders already had some practice in working with poeople, they were known in their communities, thereof, they had a chance to be listen by their follows. "E" spent enormous enery with eRiders, she explained how to work with mashines and how to use them for exchaning information and the effective work for doing lives better. It was briliant experience and eRiders started riding from one community to another and sharing their thoughts by using the network of mashines. There were made links between different type of peoples. These people had different receipes on the enjoying the live. Due to eRiders, they learned how to share their ideas and best practices.

Eriders learn very soon about "E" intentions, and they were successfull in their work. And because I was there as well, I measured the success by peopleīs smile. There was a definite victory over the machines. People were happy and were using machines for themselves without fear. While they learn how to do communicate through them, they made world smaller and full of friends.


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